Best AB workout routine

All of us struggle with the stubborn tummy – that just won’t go away!

I have done quite a bit of research on this for some time now and let me tell you, it’s not easy to get rid of it.


The truth is, you can do as many sit ups, crunches or whatever exercise and as many as you want to – but it won’t get you that flat tummy or six pack that you want.

The key here is body fat loss. Abdominal exercises will certainly strengthen your core muscles, but a six pack only becomes visible by reducing your body fat to lower ranges (about 10% for men and 20% for women).


Six packs are primarily made in the kitchen 🙂

Here are some of the tips and tricks I have learned:

  • Exercise your abs everyday
  • Eat clean, high protein – low carb diets
  • Eat more regularly, but keep your portions small – this will increase your metabolism
  • Drink loads of water – water assists with fat loss and removes the waste from your body – this also increases your metabolism believe it or not
  • Cardio and strength training goes hand in hand for me – the required cardio per week is about 30 minutes 3 – 4 times a week
  • HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is one of the best ways to lose fat, you can combine multiple workout in one
  • Regarding strength training – I prefer doing supersets (A superset is when one set of an exercise is performed directly after a set of a different exercise without rest between them. Once each superset is complete, then rest for one minute
  • Fat loss cannot be area specific, meaning you cannot just loose fat on your behinds or just on you tummy

My superset Ab workout routine looks like this:


20 Side bends

20 Crunches on stability ball

12 Russian Twists

20 V-sits

3 sets of the superset with 1 minute rest

Hope this helps


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